– Ein del av Hardanger og Voss museum

– A part of Hardanger and Voss museum

Art Exhibition 2024

lau11maisun01sepArt Exhibition 2024Anne Hesvik og Bas Vlam

Om arrangementet

We are excited to invite you to the Art Exhibition 2024, featuring visual artist Anne Hesvik and calligrapher Bas Vlam!

It will be a beautiful exhibition with brush and pen, sensitive materiality in dialogue with tradition and history – a visually strong and atmospherically communicative exhibition for reflection and contemplation.

The exhibition opens on Saturday, May 11, in Ådnesstova (the café building), and will be on display until Sunday, September 1. All works are for sale.

Eit vers frå Håvamål i vakker kalligrafi på ein fargerik bakgrunn

Bas Vlam – From Håvamål

Utdrag frå Landslova av 1274 måla på ein stor raud flate sett saman av to breie eikeplank. Skrifta er i gull, og til venstre er ei ranke vakker ornamentikk i blågrønne toner

Anne Hesvik – Excerpt from the “Landslov”

Anne Hesvik grew up in Hardanger and now lives in Strandvik. Her works are based on classical painting traditions. She often works on wood, both in two and three dimensions, and primarily in oil. She uses a lot of ornamentation and makes her own paint. For Agatunet, she has also brought works directly related to the Landslov of 1274, King Magnus Lagabøte’s great law book, which this year celebrates its 750th anniversary—a milestone being commemorated across the country.

Bas Vlam is from the Netherlands but now lives on Askøy, outside Bergen. He has worked as a calligrapher for many years, conducting numerous courses and lectures on calligraphy and related topics. He works extensively with both fonts and texts from the Middle Ages and earlier periods. He is also the calligrapher behind the replica of the Bleie Diploma that we have at the site—the oldest complete legal document in Norway, issued here at Aga in 1293. For Agatunet, Bas brings beautiful works inspired by, among others, the Håvamål and the Landslov of 1274.

Ei smilande kvinne med raudt hår i hestehale og kledt i sorte, delikate klede sit på ein benk foran ein hekk av tette grøne blad.

Anne Hesvik

Ein mann med briller. grånande hår og velfrisert grått skjegg i kvit, korterme skjorte sit ved eit bord og gjer klar eit papir til kalligrafi. Bak han velfylte bokhyller. Han smiler lett og ser konsentrert ut.

Bas Vlam



11. mai 2024 11:00 - 1. September 2024 17:00(GMT+00:00)

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