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– A part of Hardanger and Voss museum

Student Art Exhibition in Johanskjellaren

lau01jun12:00lau31aug(aug 31)17:00Student Art Exhibition in Johanskjellaren

Kunstutstilling i Agatunet: Stilleben av ein blomstervase i akvarell, med raude og oransje farger.

Om arrangementet

Student Art Exhibition in Agatunet:

This year marks the third summer that the art students of Ullensvang Culture School will showcase their work in the cellar of Johanstova at Agatunet. The exhibition presents a small selection of what they have created throughout the 2023-24 school year. Here, one can see drawings in ink, charcoal, and pencil, small watercolors, acrylic paintings, and sculptures.

The art program at Ullensvang Culture School offers classes in Odda, Hauso, and Jondal, and this year has had 40 students aged 9 to 49.

First opening day: June 1 at 12:00 PM.


Juni 1 (Laurdag) 12:00 - August 31 (Laurdag) 17:00(GMT+00:00)