
We put on new art exhibitions at Agatunet every season. The volunteers who form the art group put a great deal of work into finding wonderful, interesting artists, and they curate the art exhibitions every year.
In 2024 these artists will be on display in Agatunet:
In addition we invite local art students form “Kulturskulen” to be inspired by the farming cluster and arrange a children and youth art exibition.
Many wonderful old pictures of life on the farm cluster hang at Agatunet, many of which are Georg Fredrik Fasting’s watercolour paintings of Agatunet.
There are also a lot of great items like kitchen utensils and agricultural equipment and tools on display.
We had a permanent exhibition of costumes – A gift from my mother, a collection of clothing and items from the same family – five generations of folk costumes and national costumes. Unfortunately, this exhibition was taken down due to maintenance and conservation. A conservator assessment of the objects and site will determine when we will be able to display objects from this wonderful gift again.